
In the middle of summer Learn more about In the middle of summer

  • How to manage the planting of summer corn in the middle and later period?

    How to manage the planting of summer corn in the middle and later period?

    How to manage the planting of summer corn in the middle and later period? Please introduce the management method of planting summer corn in the middle and later stage, you can refer to the following methods for management: first, skillfully use water and fertilizer to promote to the end. The growth period of summer corn is short, and the demand for water and fertilizer is concentrated, which should be promoted to the end. 1. Early irrigation to save water, early application of fertilizer. Summer corn.

  • How to apply fertilizer in the middle and later period of planting sesame in summer?

    How to apply fertilizer in the middle and later period of planting sesame in summer?

    How to apply fertilizer in the middle and later period of planting sesame in summer? Please introduce that in summer planting sesame, it is necessary to apply heavy and shallow basic fertilizer, appropriate amount of seed fertilizer, heavy application of flower bud fertilizer, supplementary spraying of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and mainly organic fertilizer, combined with phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, so as to reduce the amount of chemical fertilizer as far as possible. to improve the quality of sesame. Every life.

  • Corn planting technology: how to manage summer corn in the middle and later stage?

    Corn planting technology: how to manage summer corn in the middle and later stage?

    How to manage summer corn in the middle and later stage? Please introduce some good management methods for summer corn in the middle and later stage: first, drought-resistant and waterlogging-resistant corn enters the vegetative growth and reproductive growth stage after jointing, which is the key period of large ear, and it is also drought, waterlogging, wind, hail and other disastrous weather.

  • Corn planting technology: what should be paid attention to in the middle and later period of summer corn?

    Corn planting technology: what should be paid attention to in the middle and later period of summer corn?

    What should be paid attention to in the middle and later period of summer corn? Please give the introduction of summer corn in the middle and later period to pay attention to the following points for reference: fertilization (1) ear fertilizer. Generally, nitrogen fertilizer is re-applied in the big trumpet mouth period, accounting for about 50% of the total topdressing amount, and standard nitrogen fertilizer is applied 30-40 kg per mu. (2) grain fertilizer. Generally account for 10% of the total amount of topdressing.

  • Management techniques of summer sowing oil sunflower in the middle and later stage

    Management techniques of summer sowing oil sunflower in the middle and later stage

    Management techniques of summer sowing oil sunflower in the middle and later stage

  • The management of summer soybean in the middle and later period of growing soybean

    The management of summer soybean in the middle and later period of growing soybean

    Compared with corn and cotton, soybean has less labor, less investment and low cost during the growth period, which is a major advantage of summer soybean crops, but the middle and later stage management is the key to obtain high yield of soybean. Flowering and podding stage, during which vegetative growth and reproductive growth go hand in hand.

    2020-11-08 Seed soybean summer middle and late stage management corn cotton
  • How to apply fertilizer in the middle and late growth of summer sesame seeds

    How to apply fertilizer in the middle and late growth of summer sesame seeds

    In order to improve the quality of sesame seeds, high yield cultivation of summer sesame seeds should be carried out by applying heavy and shallow base fertilizer, proper amount of seed fertilizer, heavy bud fertilizer, supplementary spraying of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, mainly organic fertilizer, combined application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and reducing the amount of chemical fertilizer as much as possible. The fertilizer requirements for each 100 kg sesame production are: N 6.24~8.13 kg, P 2.19~3.28 kg, K 6.24~10.19 kg. However, in summer sesame planting in our province, most farmers do not apply base fertilizer, topdressing is only urea or less

  • Why is it forbidden to throw cold water on pigs in the middle of summer? These methods can prevent mosquitoes and flies!

    Why is it forbidden to throw cold water on pigs in the middle of summer? These methods can prevent mosquitoes and flies!

    Midsummer is midsummer, which is the hottest time in summer. at this time, pigs are often gasping for breath. Some pig farmers worry that pigs will get heatstroke, so they pour cold water on pigs. In fact, this is not right. So why is it forbidden to throw cold water on pigs in the middle of summer? I. Sheng

    2020-11-11 Midsummer why forbidden give pig pour cold water these methods can
  • How to manage summer soybean in the middle and later stage?

    How to manage summer soybean in the middle and later stage?

    How to manage summer soybean in the middle and later stage? Please introduce the flowering and podding period, when the growth of soybean enters a vigorous period, and the growth of nutrients gradually reaches its peak; it is the period when soybean needs the most fertilizer and water in its life, and sufficient fertilizer and water, strong light and enough carbon dioxide are conducive to promoting soybean flowering and fruiting. The soybean yield is high.

  • Pear tree planting: how do pear trees be cut in summer?

    Pear tree planting: how do pear trees be cut in summer?

    How are the pear trees cut in summer? Who introduces the method of summer pear tree pruning can refer to the following methods: first, pear branch growth characteristics 1, pear shoot growth period is short, and has obvious stages. The long shoots stopped growing before the first and middle of July, while the medium and short shoots stopped growing before the first and middle of May. ...

  • The bamboo family has a joint recruitment of talents in summer, and there are also job opportunities in the middle and old age.

    The bamboo family has a joint recruitment of talents in summer, and there are also job opportunities in the middle and old age.

    Hsinchu City -, the Peach Bamboo Seedling Branch of the Labor Development Department of the Ministry of Labor, the Hsinchu Science and Industry Park Administration of the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Hsinchu Rongmin Service Office jointly held the "Science and Technology Enterprise site" at the Nini living Hall of the Hsinchu Science Park yesterday (18).

  • Field Management measures in the Middle and late stage of planting Summer Maize

    Field Management measures in the Middle and late stage of planting Summer Maize

    1) timely ploughing and topdressing to meet the nutrient demand. During the period from jointing to small trumpet mouth (6 leaves to 10 leaves), fertilization was carried out in combination with mid-tillage. Through mid-ploughing, killing wheat stubble to loosen the soil and weed. Topdressing should be based on nitrogen fertilizer, not on the surface, but should be concentrated near the root.

    2020-11-08 Planting summer corn middle and late stage field management measures one timely
  • Over-summer sharp pepper-Baojiao No. 3

    Over-summer sharp pepper-Baojiao No. 3

    The variety is a mid-late ripening variety, with medium and large shape, medium spicy shape, fruit length of about 20 cm, horizontal diameter of about 3.5 cm, single fruit weight of 60-80 grams, and large fruit of more than 90 grams. The fruit color is dark green and bright, the meat is thick and hard, straight but not curved, very resistant to long-distance transportation, the fruit is not soft after 5 days of picking, does not change color, does not deform, fresh as before. The ability of hanging fruit is very strong in the middle and later stage, and a single plant can bear about 80 big fruits at the same time, up to more than 100 at most. There was no difference in the size of the fruit in the early, middle and later stages. Average yield per mu is 5000 mu.

  • How many corn seeds do you need per mu of land? What are the high-yielding varieties? How much fertilizer do you need?

    How many corn seeds do you need per mu of land? What are the high-yielding varieties? How much fertilizer do you need?

    Maize seed is a propagule with the ability to grow into an adult plant, which is formed by pollination and fertilization of ovules. Do you know how many corn seeds are needed for one acre of land? Are there any high-yielding varieties? How much fertilizer do you need? From Uncle Li, a corn grower in Xinyang, Henan Province

    2020-11-09 how much corn and seeds are needed for one mu of land?
  • Peanut planting technology: how to manage summer sowing peanuts?

    Peanut planting technology: how to manage summer sowing peanuts?

    How to manage summer sowing peanuts? Please give guidance to summer sowing peanuts can refer to the following methods for management: 1, check seedlings to reseed and sow in time to find out the situation of seedlings, if you find that there is a lack of seedlings, you should prompt seedlings and replanting in time. 2, middle ploughing peanut seedling stage should combine middle ploughing to clear barley, generally can use small hoe to handle peanut seedling base.

  • It is forbidden to throw cold water on pigs in the middle of summer.

    It is forbidden to throw cold water on pigs in the middle of summer.

    The temperature is high in midsummer, and pigs are often hot and gasping for breath. Some farmers are worried that the pig will have a fever problem, so they throw cold water on the pig in order to cool it down and make the pig feel more comfortable, but they do not realize that this is harmful rather than beneficial. Hot panting of pigs is caused by poor perspiration and lack of heat in the body for a while. If cold water is thrown on the pig at this time, due to strong cold stimulation, the sweat pores of the pig's whole body contract sharply, the heat in the body is blocked, and the body temperature rises abruptly, causing high fever and inflammation of the lungs in the pig, and death in the pig. therefore

  • Efficient planting of eggplant, lettuce and broccoli

    Efficient planting of eggplant, lettuce and broccoli

    Green cauliflower, also known as broccoli, is a kind of health vegetable with complete nutrients and high economic value. it has a long supply period, can be frozen and dehydrated in addition to fresh food, and has high production efficiency. First, the variety selection ① Green Ridge: the growth period is 100mi 120d, the growth potential is strong, the plant is tall, the lateral branch growth is medium.

  • How to water orchids in hot summer (middle)

    How to water orchids in hot summer (middle)

    How to water orchids in hot summer (middle)

  • Do you know which is the hottest?

    Do you know which is the hottest?

    The summer heat had already passed for more than ten days, and it would enter the summer heat in another week's time. And then a month to endure the end of the summer. This is the hottest time of year. This is the first time I have ever seen a woman.

  • Guidelines for agricultural disaster prevention released in April, floods in the south and drought in the north may occur.

    Guidelines for agricultural disaster prevention released in April, floods in the south and drought in the north may occur.

    In March, the impact of agrometeorological disasters was generally mild, and the main disaster was lack of rain in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. In April, we should focus on the effect of drought in the north on the growth and development of winter wheat, spring ploughing and spring sowing, and the formation of rape yield caused by continuous rain, waterlogging and diseases and insect pests in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

    2016-03-20 April agriculture disaster prevention guidelines release south flood north drought possibly March